
How to Use This Page

The resources here are designed for use in a book of Acts movement that follows the three-thirds process. If you have not gone through the Commands of Christ, our basic discipleship and laborer development content, you should start there. The. Commands will take you through basic spiritual disciplines and church formation. They are designed for both brand new believers and believers who want to learn the three-thirds process and basic tools for Church Planting Movements.

The rest of these resources are ordered according to the Four Fields. FIELD 1 resources will help you GO or connect with lost people. FIELD 2 resources will help you share the GOSPEL with people. FIELD 3 resources will help you GROW in Christ and disciple others. FIELD 4 resources will help you GATHER or form and develop healthy churches. The GUIDE resources will help you develop as a leader and develop other leaders. The Commands of Christ will get you started on all the fields. After the commands we usually move into Healthy Church or Four Fields studies to develop laborers.


More 3/3rds Studies

Field 1 GO

  • Field 1 PDF (Part of the Four Fields Study below)

Field 2 GOSPEL

Field 3 GROW

Commands of Christ

CoC Alternate

Discipleship Studies

Field 4 GATHER

GUIDE (Laborers and Leaders)


Old Testament Template

Any-3 Swarm Training